Thursday, October 1, 2015

Stop Bullying in Elementary Schools

Students are probably comfortable with the routines of a new school year, different teachers, and classmates. Nonetheless, it is never too early in the school year to be concerned about the possibility of bullying behavior.  Students, teachers, and parents should pause and think about  problems or situations they can improve.   Parents usually ask their children if they like their teachers and wonder if they are having any academic issues.  Don't forget to ask your child if he or she feels safe, uneasy, secure or happy at school.  A parent can be their child's first line of defense in  the effort to  identify and stop bullying in elementary schools.

Most students follow the  school rules without difficulty. Realistically,  there are times when students display behaviors which do not meet the expectations of  the school rules. Sometimes the violation of school rules includes exhibiting bullying behaviors.  It is important to identify and stop bullying before it takes root in elementary schools. 

Parents can help children to understand when bullying is happening. A generally accepted definition of bullying is repeated acts of verbal, physical or written aggressive actions by peers or groups of peers.  If your child complains about repeated mean comments, hitting or pushing, he or she might be experiencing bullying. It is important that all members of the school community have the same awareness of what bullying is in order to understand and stop bullying when it occurs.

Identifying when bullying is  happening is the first step in stopping bullying in elementary schools.  Schools officials are expected to provide a safe learning environment.  Preventing and stopping bullying is a key component of maintaining school safety.

Ask your child's teacher, counselor or principal if they are using a special curriculum or program to respond to and stop bullying.  The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program  is a widely used anti-bullying program implemented in elementary and middle schools in the U.S. and other countries.  Research on bullying has been conducted in an attempt to find solutions which prevent, identify and stop bullying.  Information can be found at . These  websites are good starting points in your effort to prevent and stop bullying in elementary schools. 

School officials, teachers, students and parents must work together to stop bullying in elementary schools.

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