Monday, May 23, 2016

How To Stop Bullying In Middle School

How To Stop Bullying In Middle School

Parents have fear and angst about how their child will settle into a middle school environment.  The start of a new learning adventure in middle school has the potential to dictate the comfort or discomfort level he or she will face for the next few years of school.  Stopping bullying in middle school requires a cooperative effort.  It is wise to use an “all hands on deck” approach when trying to figure out how to stop bullying in middle school.  

School administration, teachers, and staff must make a solid effort to stop and minimize bullying behavior. Thankfully, there are now laws in virtually every state in the nation that prescribe guidelines, programs, and procedures on how to stop bullying in middle school and at every level of the education system.  In 2010, the Federal government issued information on bullying and harassment in schools, which provided insight on how to stop bullying in middle school and others schools across the nation: .

According to the "Dear Colleague" recommendations to educators, a school must “take immediate action" to investigate and determine what happened related to the bullying incident. Schools must also have a clear definition of bullying.  This requirement helps everyone to identify, understand and recognized bullying when it occurs.  Again in 2014,  the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights issued a statement about bullying  with special attention given to students with disabilities: . Unfortunately, students with disability often face bullying and harassment more often than non-disabled peers. 

It is important to emphasize respectful behavior toward all members of the school community and to be accepting of differences.  Activists and community members have created projects, events, and observances for promotion and use against bullying.  October has been set aside as National Bullying Prevention Month.   School personnel, students, and community members should spread information concerning the negative effect of bullying, harassment, intimidation, and violence of any type.   This sends a message of acceptance and support for the victims of bullying.  School practices and actions make a statement about the acceptance or rejection of bullying behavior.  Adults should not engage in behaviors that appear to “turn away from bullying” as if not to see or hear the incident.

Middle school stakeholders should become aware of the attributes bullies identify as targets. Bullies use verbal or physical harassment to intimidate victims about their race, religion, physical appearance, disability, or gender or other characteristics. The following suggestions provide several key ideas on how to stop bullying in middle school.  School officials must use a clearly defined description of what bullying is.   A bullying audit which surveys the level of bullying incidents in the school should be administered to students and school stakeholders.  School officials need a clear understanding of the “hot spots” or locations where bullying typically occurs in the building or outside. The location of most of the incidents should be identified, monitored and supervised. Students need to feel secure in their ability to make confidential reports and  have a reasonable level of confidence that something will be done to assist them. These are several key strategies, which provide ideas for consideration on how to stop bullying in middle school.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Effect of Zero Tolerance Policies on Bullying

The Effect of Zero Tolerance Policies On Bullying

The intent of zero tolerance policies is to deter, prevent, and punish students who engage in inappropriate behavior.  The term originated during the drug epidemic period of the late 1980's.  Extreme acts of school violence began to emerge during the twentieth century and continued to increase throughout the ensuing years.   The April 20, 1999 Columbine shooting shocked the nation and pushed school leaders to develop a response to school violence and other issues.   Implementation of zero tolerance policies were intended to create safer school environments for all students including those   experiencing intimidation, harassment, or bullying.   Profile information about the Columbine perpetrators indicated these students felt bullied, isolated, and sought revenge against classmates and the school.  While zero tolerance policies levy strict and unwavering punishment to violators, the policies were designed to promote positive school culture and reduce and restrict inappropriate behavior.   

The Free Dictionary entry defines zero tolerance as a law, policy, or practices that proscribed offense or behavior without making exceptions for extenuating circumstances   (   One key aspect of zero tolerance is the lack of exceptions based on individual situations or circumstances.   Occasionally, there is a case where the inappropriate behavior is mistaken as intentional and malicious.  For example, punishment such as suspension or expulsion for possession of a weapon might be the likely consequence when a   student is found to be in possession a small paring knife accidentally left in his lunch by a busy parent.  Even though a parent might acknowledge contributing to this issue, because of zero tolerance policies the student would receive a punishment. 

Zero tolerance does not allow school officials to employ logical, measured responses to situations that have extenuating circumstances and facts.  Unwavering policy regulations’ regarding discipline for school incidents reduces the right of school administrators and teachers to make individual decisions to specific problems.  Victims of bullying sometimes strike back against the bully after becoming overwhelmed by the repeated intimidation and victimization.  Using zero tolerance policies, a teacher must report the bully and victim to school administration.
Bullying behavior often goes unreported and undetected. Unfortunately, for a child who is bullied, zero tolerance may be ineffective and even work against him.  If a victim of bullying strikes back against the bully, he too can be punished.  School administrators and teachers should be encouraged to use a common sense approach to discipline rather than implementing policies, which punish, suspend, or expel a student without exception.  It is important to prevent, identify, and respond to bullying behavior.  Unchecked bullying has the potential to create negative consequences for bullies, their victims, and the entire school community.