Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Make a Friend... Bring An End to Bullying

Technically, February 11th is “Make a Friend Day”, but in reality any day is a great day to make a new friend!  There is limited information on who had the friendly idea to create this celebration. However, the idea is a welcome relief from the isolation and loneliness that some individuals experience nearly every day of their existence without a core group of friends. Positive friendship groups can assist in putting an end to bullying.  Friends show kindness and support when negative remarks are made by reassuring the bullied child they are in their corner.  Children of all ages experience bullying on a daily basis.  Some children feel they do not have any friends or adults to turn to when they are bullied. Many students would rather miss a day from school than face the repeated intimidation and harassment that bullies.

I think that “Make a Friend Day” should be observed in schools across the nation complete with special fun-filled activities that emphasize the importance of friendship.  People of all ages can benefit from making new friends.  Instead of talking casually with your normal group of friends, try something different.   One way to make a friend is to spend time during your lunch talking with someone you do not know and is not your friend.  

 Reaching out to a schoolmate that you do not know can build bonds across different social and cultural groups.  Just imagine how exciting it would be for a bullied classmate to experience the kindness and joy of friendship.  Participating in a “Make a Friend Day” celebration can become the start of a regularly scheduled event.  Friends provide positive support to those who are bullied. Focusing on new friendships is a way to enable everyone to experience what it is like to fit in with the “popular” kids.  Friends value each other and give support during good times and bad.  Encourage all students to make new friends and bring an end to bullying. 

As children mature into adolescence and the teenage years, friends become increasingly important in their life. Adolescence is the time that children seek independence from parents and rely upon the opinions and approval of friends.  It is crucial for your child to form positive, trustworthy friendships that will support him during hard times and celebrate his success.   Parents should take time to know and understand their children’s friends. Forming positive friendships is a great way to bring an end to bullying. Why limit “Make a Friend Day” to only once a year?  Making new friends is a wonderful way to show kindness and courtesy and help bring about an end to bullying.